iconik Help Documentation Index


Understand how to administrate iconik

Admin Overview
- Access Control
Access Control Administration
- AI Accounts
Manage AI (Machine Learning) Accounts for iconik
- Application Tokens
Application Tokens Administration
- Authentication
Configure authentication
- Custom Actions
About Custom Actions
- Export Locations
Creating, Removing and Editing Export Locations
- Jobs
An Overview of Jobs view
- Metadata Administration
Metadata Administration
- Metadata Categories
Metadata Category Administration
- Metadata Fields
Metadata Field Administration
- Metadata Views Admin
Metadata View Administration
- Ports and IP-Addresses
Lists of Ports and IP-addresses iconik uses
- Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin
- Relation Types
Overview for Asset Relation Types
- SAML Authentication
Configure saml authentication
- Share Management
Manage Shares and the capabilities of shares.
- Statistics
- Storage
Overview for Storage Administration
- System Settings
Change how users interact with iconik
- Transcoders
Transcoders overview
- User Administration
An Overview of User Administration
- User Group Admin
User Group Administration
- WebHooks
Administration of WebHooks

Our integration with Adobe CC Products

Adobe Overview
- Adobe After Effects Integration
Our integration with Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Audition Integration
Our integration with Adobe Audition
- Adobe Illustrator Integration
Our integration with Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop Integration
Our integration with Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premiere Pro Integration
Our integration with Adobe Premiere Pro
- Debugging Adobe Iconik Panels
Debugging iconik panels
- Download and Opening Assets
Overview on downloading and importing from the iconik Panel for Adobe products
- FAQ for Adobe Integration
Frequently asked questions on Adobe Integration
- First Steps with the Adobe Panel
First steps in using the Adobe Panel
- Folder Mapping examples
Examples on mapping iconik Storage Gateway Folders
- iconik Adobe XMP
How the iconik Adobe Panel uses XMP
- iconik Storage Gateway Panel Integration
iconik Storage Gateway integration with iconik Panel
- Logging out of the Panel
Logging out from within the panel
- Panel Installation
How to install the iconik panel for Adobe CC Products
- Panel Installation Manually
Manually installation of the Adobe Panel
- Panel Preferences
Overview of the User Preferences in the iconik Adobe Panel
- Panel Removal
Removing the iconik Adobe Panel
- Uploading using the iconik Panel
Overview on Uploading from the iconik Panel for Adobe products
- Working Directory for Adobe Panel
Setting where the Adobe Panel downloads and creates files

Understand how to set up and use the iconik Agent

Agent Overview
- Configuring iconik Agent
How to configure settings for the iconik Agent
- Downloading
Downloading assets and collections with iconik Agent
- Installing iconik Agent on macOS
Understand how to install the iconik Agent on macOS
- Installing iconik Agent on Windows
Understand how to install the iconik Agent on macOS
- Launching and Quitting
Launching and Quitting iconik Agent
- Login and Logout
Logging in and out of iconik Agent
- Revealing Files Locally
Understand how to find files on the local system
- Troubleshooting Problems
Understand how to solve common problems in the iconik Agent
- Updating iconik Agent
Understand how to update the iconik Agent
- Uploading
Uploading assets and collections with iconik Agent

iconik System Architecture and Design

Architecture Overview
- Disaster Recovery Plan
iconik Disaster Recovery Plan
- iconik Backups
Description of the backup strategy for iconik
- iconik Billing Architecture
iconik Billing System Architecture
- iconik Cloud Storage Architecture
iconik Cloud Storage Architecture
- iconik Hybrid Cloud Architecture
iconik Hybrid Cloud Architecture
- iconik Logs
Description of log handling in iconik
- iconik Microservices
iconik Microservices
- iconik Redundancy
iconik System Architecture for Redundancy
- iconik Technologies
Technology used by iconik
- iconik Upgrades
iconik upgrades and deployment
- Software Development
iconik Software Development

Learn about reviewing, sharing and using assets

Asset Overview
- Access Control
Giving Asset Access to other Users and Groups
- Add to Collection
Add to a collection from the asset page
- Analysis
How to use AI and Machine Learning to analyse assets
- Archive and Restore
How to archive and restore assets
- Asset FAQ
Frequently asked questions about assets
- Asset History
How to use Asset History
- Asset Metadata
How to add Metadata to an Asset
- Asset PlaceHolders
Information about Asset PlaceHolders and creating PlaceHolders
- Asset Relations
Viewing and creating asset relations
- Asset Versions
Viewing and creating asset versions
- Audio Player
How to use the Audio Player
- Changing An Asset's Title
How to change the title of an asset
- Comments Overview
Learn about commenting on Assets
- Deleting Assets
Information on Deleting Assets
- Downloading Assets
How to Download an Asset
- Exporting Assets
Exporting Assets to other locations.
- Files
Viewing files information about an asset
- Full Screen Viewing
About full screen viewing
- Image Viewer
How to use the Image Viewer
- Link Assets
Information about Link Assets
- PDF Viewer
How to use the PDF Viewer
- Posters
Posters for assets
- Re-transcode Assets
Requesting Re-transcoding of an asset
- Renaming Assets
How to rename assets
- Sharing Administration
How to administrate sharing
- Subclips Overview
Learn about Subclip Assets
- Time Based Metadata
An overview on time-based metadata
- Transcription
Overview of transcriptions
- Video Player
How to use the Video Player
- Video Player Captions
How to use the Video Player Captions

Billing in iconik and how to use them

Billing Overview
- Billing Details
Storing billing details for your account in iconik
- Billing Invoices
Listing and downloading the invoices
- Billing Transactions
Billing transactions page
- FAQ for billing
Frequently asked questions on billing

Collections and how to use them

Collections Overview
- Adding to Collections
How to add Assets and others collections to a Collections
- Archive and Restore Collections
How to archive and restore assets in collections
- Bulk Analyze Collection Content
Analyze all the contents of a collection.
- Bulk Collection Content ACLs
How to apply bulk Access Control List updates to collection content
- Bulk Delete Collection Content
Delete all the contents of a collection.
- Bulk Edit Collection Content Metadata
How to apply bulk metadata updates to collection content
- Bulk Re-transcode Collection Content
How to re-transcode in bulk Collection Content
- Bulk Transfer Collection Content
Transfer all the contents of a collection.
- Collection Access Control
Giving access to collections to other Users and Groups
- Collection information
Getting information on collections
- Collection Metadata
How to use Metadata with Collections
- Copy or Move Assets in Collections
How to move or copy assets that are in collections
- Copying Collections
How to copy collections structures
- Cover Images
Cover Images for collections
- Creating Collections
How to create Collections
- Creating Root Collections
How to create root Collections
- Deleting Collection
How to delete collections
- Mapped Collections
Mapping file storage folders to collections
- Moving Collections
How to move Collection structures
- Ordering Collections
How to order collection content
- Removing from a Collections
How to remove Assets and others Collections from a Collections
- Renaming Collections
How to rename collections

Discovery allows you to present and view assets for your users

Discovery Overview
- Discovery management
How to add and remove from the Discovery interface
- Using the Discovery View
Understand how to use the Discovery View

The Entities that make up iconik

Entities Overview
- Access Control Lists
Learn about ACLs and what they can be used upon.
- Access Control Templates
Learn about ACL Templates and what they can be used upon.
- Application Tokens
Learn about Application Tokens and what they can be used upon.
- Apps
Learn about Apps
- Assets
Learn about Assets.
- Collections
Learn about Collections
- Discovery Entity
Learn about Discovery
- Export Locations
Learn about Export Locations.
- Files
Files and Fileset information
- Formats
File formats
- Groups
Learn about User Groups.
- Jobs
Information on Jobs and Job Entities
- KeyFrames
KeyFrames information
- Metadata Categories
Information about Metadata Categories
- Metadata Field Entities
Information about Metadata Fields
- Metadata View Entities
Information about Metadata Views
- Proxy Entities
Proxies information
- Roles Entities
Learn about User Roles.
- Saved Search Entities
Saved Searches
- Search Entities
Search and related entities
- Segments Entities
Learn about Segments
- Settings
Learn about Settings
- Storage Entities
Learn about Storage.
- Subclips
Learn about Subclips.
- Subtitles and Caption Entities
About the Subtitles and Caption Entities
- System Domains
Learn about System Domains and what they are used for
- Transcoders
Learn about Transcoders.
- Users
Learn about Users.
- WebHooks Entities
Learn about WebHooks Definition Entities
Final cut pro

Our integration with Final Cut Pro

Final cut pro
Final cut pro Overview
- Configuring
Understand how to configure the Final Cut Pro integration
- Importing assets
Understand how to download and import an asset into Final Cut Pro
- Installing
Understand how to install the Final Cut Pro integration
- Uploading rendered Projects
Understand how upload rendered Projects back into iconik
Iconik edge transcoder

Understand how to administrate the iconik Edge Transcoder

Iconik edge transcoder
Iconik edge transcoder Overview
- Installing iconik Edge Transcoder on CentOS 7
Understand how to install the iconik Edge Transcoder on CentOS 7
- Installing iconik Edge Transcoder on Enterprise Linux 8
Understand how to install the iconik Edge Transcoder on Enterprise Linux 8
- Installing iconik Edge Transcoder on Enterprise Linux 9
Understand how to install the iconik Edge Transcoder on Enterprise Linux 9
- Installing iconik Edge Transcoder on Ubuntu 20.04
Understand how to install the iconik Edge Transcoder on Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)
- Installing iconik Edge Transcoder on Ubuntu 22.04
Understand how to install the iconik Edge Transcoder on Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy)
- Installing iconik Edge Transcoder on Ubuntu 24.04
Understand how to install the iconik Edge Transcoder on Ubuntu 24.04 (noble)
- Setting up iconik Edge Transcoder
How to setup the iconik Edge Transcoder
Iconik portal sync

Understand how to administrate the iconik Portal Sync

Iconik portal sync
Iconik portal sync Overview

Understand how to administrate the iconik Storage Gateway

Isg Overview
- Changing storage
Upgrading or changing the storage used by the ISG
- Direct transfers between iconik Storage Gateways
Understand how the direct transfers work between storages.
- FAQ for iconik Storage Gateway
Frequently asked questions on the ISG
- Files storage
Adding Files storage
- Installing ISG on CentOS 7
Understand how to install the iconik Storage Gateway on CentOS 7
- Installing ISG on Enterprise Linux 8
Understand how to install the iconik Storage Gateway on Enterprise linux
- Installing ISG on Enterprise Linux 9
Understand how to install the iconik Storage Gateway on Enterprise linux
- Installing ISG on Mac OS
Understand how to install the iconik Storage Gateway on Mac OS
- Installing ISG on Ubuntu 20.04
Understand how to install the iconik Storage Gateway on Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)
- Installing ISG on Ubuntu 22.04
Understand how to install the iconik Storage Gateway on Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy)
- Installing ISG on Ubuntu 24.04
Understand how to install the iconik Storage Gateway on Ubuntu 24.04 (noble)
- Installing ISG on Windows
Understand how to install the iconik Storage Gateway on Windows
- ISG Advanced Options
How to configure advanced options
- ISG Installer Long Path setting
Explains the registry changes performed by the ISG installer on windows
- Uninstalling ISG from Mac OS
How to remove the Mac OS ISG.
- Uninstalling ISG from Windows
How to remove the Windows ISG.

Curated list of help documents to perform common tasks with iconik

Knowledgebase Overview
- Add to Homescreen
Add iconik to IOS and Android devices
FAQ on Amazon Web Services with iconik
- Backblaze B2 FAQ
FAQ on Backblaze and iconik
- Controlling Costs
Cost control with iconik and external resources
- Distribution Workflows
How to add distribution workflows to iconik
- iconik Storage Gateway
What is the iconik Storage Gateway
- Premiere Integrations FAQ
FAQ around our Premiere Project Integrations
- Release FAQ
Frequently asked questions about releases
- Restricting Access
How to restrict access to content
- Storage FAQ
Frequently asked questions about storage
- Support
How to get support on iconik
- Wasabi FAQ
FAQ on Wasabi and iconik
- What is Hybrid Cloud?
What is Hybrid Cloud?
- What is iconik?
A description of iconik

About Metadata and how iconik uses metadata

Metadata Overview
- Copying Tags
Copying metadata tags
Quick start

QuickStart guides

Quick start
Quick start Overview
- 1. Overview of iconik
QuickStart overview guide
- 2. Signing up to iconik
How to sign up to iconik
- 3. Users's Quick Start
QuickStart for Users
- 4. Admin's Quick Start Part 1
QuickStart for Administrators
- 5. Admin's Quick Start Part 2
QuickStart for Administrators
- 6. Admin's Quick Start Part 3
QuickStart for Administrators
- 7. Uploading
QuickStart for Uploader
- 8. Organizing with collections
How to organize media using collections
- 9. Searching and viewing
An quickstart on how to search and view assets.
- Using iconik Interface
How to use the iconik UI
- Using mobile view
Using the mobile view
Release notes

Release Notes for this iconik deployment

Release notes
Release notes Overview
- 2017 Release Notes
Release Notes for this iconik deployment
- 2018 Release Notes
Release Notes for this iconik deployment
- 2019 Release Notes
Release Notes for this iconik deployment
- 2020 Release Notes
Release Notes for this iconik deployment
- 2021 Release Notes
Release Notes for this iconik deployment
- 2022 Release Notes
Release Notes for this iconik deployment
- 2023 Release Notes
2023 Release Notes for this iconik deployment
- Agent Release Notes
Release Notes for the iconik Agent
- ISG (And Edge Transcoder) Release Notes
Release Notes for the iconik Storage Gateway and Edge Transcoder
- Panel Release Notes
Release Notes for the iconik Adobe Panel

What you need to have in order to use iconik

Requirements Overview
- Browser Requirements
Computers and Browsers supported by iconik
- iconik Edge Transcoder requirements
Requirements for the iconik Edge Transcoder
- iconik Storage Gateway requirements
Requirements for the iconik Storage Gateway
- Supported File Types
Information about what files are supported
- User Terms and Conditions
iconik User Terms and Conditions

Introduction to Review and Approve

Review Overview
- Creating a Review
How to send a request for Reviewal
- Reviewing the Approval Status
How to view the status of an Asset in Review
- Search for Reviewal Assets
How to search for assets that are in review, approved or rejected.

Learn about search functionality and how to search iconik

Search Overview
- Advanced Search
Using advanced Search Queries
- Bulk operations
Operations on multiple assets or collections from search
- Favorites
Favorite assets and collection.
- Group Saved Searches
How to group saved searches into collections
- Managing Collections
Access and use collections from the search interface
- Saved Search
Saving search queries for future use
- Saved Search Access Control
How to apply bulk Access Control to a Saved Search
- Search Export
Exporting Assets from search
- Search FAQ
Commonly asked questions about search
- Search Filters
Filter down the search effectively.
- Search History
Viewing past Searches
- Search Metadata Editing
Editing and viewing metadata directly from search results.
- Search Results
Overview of the search pods
- Search Transfer
Transfer files from the search interface.
- Sorting Search Results
How to sort and order your search results

Security of iconik

Security Overview
- Encryption
iconik Encryption of data
- Hybrid Security
Security of iconik with Hybrid Cloud models
- iconik Shield
Additional security and auditing using iconik Shield
- Network Security
iconik network security model
- Security Controls
Control you have over your content with iconik
- Security FAQ
Frequently asked questions on Security

An overview on sharing

Sharing Overview
- Remove Shares
How to remove shares or users from a share
- Sharing Administration
How to administrate individual shares
- Sharing Assets
How to Share out an Asset
- Sharing Collections
How to share collections with other users
- Sharing FAQ
Frequently asked questions around sharing
- Sharing Link
Generating a sharable link
- Sharing Multiple Assets
How to share multiple assets at once
- Upload Requests
How to create upload requests

Learn about uploading through the web-interface

Upload Overview
- Adding Metadata when Uploading
Shows how you can add metadata when you upload
- Uploading Directly into a Collection
Learn how you can upload directly to a collection.
- Uploading FAQ
Learn about uploading through the web-interface
- Uploading Format
How to upload Format for an asset
- Uploading from the Search page
Learn how you can upload into search.
- Uploading Proxy
How to upload Proxy for an asset
- Uploading Subtitles/Captions
How to upload Captions or Subtitles for an asset
- Uploading to a PlaceHolder
How to upload into a placeholder
- Widget
How to use the Upload Widget

An overview of Users

User Overview
- Default Homepage
Setting your default homepage
- Deleting your User Account
How to delete your user account
- Logging in
How to login and start with iconik
- Logging out
How to logout from iconik
- Notification settings
How to change your notification settings
- Notifications
About notifications and how they are viewed
- Reset your Password
How to reset your password
- Search Settings
How to change search to make it more useful to you
- Setting Asset Panels
Set which panels are always displayed in assets
- Setting Datetime Format
Set Date and Date Time formats
- Setting Download Name
Set what names downloads appear with
- Setting Search Panels
Set which panels are always displayed in search
- Setting Share Expiry
Set Share Expiry time.
- Updating your User Profile
How to update your user profile
- User Groups
An overview of User Groups and Roles
- Users FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Users