Revealing Files Locally

The iconik Agent supports a few ways to make it easier finding files that have been downloaded as well as files that are available on a storage monitored by an iconik Storage Gateway (ISG).

Revealing Downloaded Files and Assets

Reveal Asset

When downloading large collections of assets it can be hard to find the files on the local system. Therefore the iconik Agent provides shortcuts for locating the files on the local file systems as well as revealing its corresponding asset in the iconik web interface.

To reveal the location of a downloaded asset on the local file system simply right click the entry in the download list and tap Show in Finder when on a macOS system and Reveal in File Explorer when on a Windows system. This will open the systems file browser with the file selected. This option will only be available once the download has started.

It is also possible to reveal the corresponding asset in the iconik web interface. Selecting Show in iconik will open up your default browser with the page corresponding to the item clicked.

Reveal Files on Local ISG

Reveal on ISG

If you have an iconik Storage Gateway(ISG) mounted on the same machine as the Agent is running on, the Agent can be used to reveal the files from the asset page on the web. To do this navigate to the asset and file you want to locate in the iconik web. Tap the Reveal on ISG button button on the file. This will open the local systems file browser with the file selected.

If it is the first time a file is being revealed on this ISG you will be prompted to configure where the ISG is mounted on the local system. Please see Configuring Local ISG Mount Points for details.

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