The statistics page lets you see the overall statistics for the iconik account you administrate.
View the statistics page
- Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
- Choose Statistics from the left navigation bar.
- You are now able to see the statistics.
- Total Usage to Date - Shows how much data is stored in total on all the storages together.
- Added this month - Shows how much more data was added this month. It is reset the first of each month.
- Total of each storage - Shows how much data is stored in each storage at this moment.
- Total over time - Shows the amount of data which is stored over time, sorted by type. It is possible to change the date range by dragging the bar below.
- Total - Shows the total number of users in the account.
- Active Month to Date - Shows the total amount of users who have been active this month. It is reset the first of each month.
- Users by type - Shows the number of users active this month sorted by type.
- Total active users over time - Shows the number of users, sorted by type, which have been active over time. It is possible to change the date range by dragging the bar below.
To access a Users Report press . This will open a modal dialog with the users report in it.
- Total month to date - Shows the total amount of data volume which is traffic this month. It is reset the first of each month.
- Traffic over time - Shows the amount of traffic, sorted by storages, over time. It is possible to change the date range by dragging the bar below.
- Total month to date - Shows the total amount of transcodes which have happened this month. It is reset the first of each month.
- Traffic month to date - Shows the amount of traffic which is used when transcoding this month. It is reset the first of each month.
- Transcode by type - Shows the amount of transcodes, sorted by type, over time. It is possible to change the date range by dragging the bar below.