Transcoders are used to take one format for an asset and create another format. A typical example is to take a video from a Original with high bit-rate and resolution and create a lower-bitrate proxy for it. iconik uses transcoders for the following media types:
- Video.
- Images.
- Audio.
Built-in Transcoders
iconik has built in transcoders for supporting the majority of video, image and audio files that it deals with.
Third-party Transcoders
It is possible to connect third-party cloud transcoders to iconik to further the capabilities of iconik. Typical reasons include:
- Make use of existing investments or deals you may have.
- For integration with your own storage and systems.
- To support formats that iconik doesn't natively support.
Transcoders and Storage
Transcoders are mapped to storage as the transcoder must have access to storage to Read and Write files.
Transcoder Types
- ELEMENTAL_MEDIACONVERT Elemental Media Convert
- ICONIK Built in iconik transcoder
- ICONIK EDIT PROXY Built in iconik transcoder for creation of Edit Proxies
- ICONIK EDGE TRANSCODER iconik Edge Transcoder for cloud installation.
- REDLINE Red transcoder
- VANTAGE Telestream Vantage
- WATCH_FOLDER Watch folder transcode with iconik Storage Gateway.