
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Admin

ISG on Windows

This section contains everything you need to know about installing and managing the iconik Storage Gateway (ISG) on Microsoft Windows.

ISG works on Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, 2019 and 2022

Working with networked drives

If you want the ISG to access drives that are networked, you should create a link as Windows Services can't access normal mapped drives. To do this:

  1. Open CMD prompt as an Administrator
  2. Type mklink /D C:\link_to_the_resource "\\Server\resource_folder"
  3. In the above obviously replace the paths needed.
  4. Test the link by accessing it in Windows Explorer.
  5. Follow the instructions below for installing the Iconik Storage Gateway.
  6. After installing stop the iconik Storage Gateway.
  7. Open services windows (searching for services.msc for example)
  8. Find the iconik Storage Gateway Service and Right Click on it
  9. Choose Preferences
  10. Choose Log On
  11. Check Log On as: This Account
  12. Choose an Account that has permissions to read and write to the storage.
  13. Click Ok
  14. Restart the iconik Storage Gateway from the tray application.

If you have already installed the iconik Storage Gateway before needing to create the link, open the Admin Storage Page in iconik and change the mount point to the new page before restarting the iconik Storage Gateway

Download and install the Iconik Storage Gateway

Download the latest package and run it:

If you want the ISG to support transcoding, install software that is listed below in Local Transcoding

The iconik Storage Gateway install will install the ISG service and the Windows tray application. The first time it will automatically start the Setup Wizard.

  1. Run the installer.
  2. Read and accept the license agreement.
  3. Click Install to start.
  4. Click Finish
  5. The wizard will start and the first step will ask you to log in to iconik using the Web Interface. Once that is done and you have approved the application to your credentials, go back to the installer.
  6. Select "Setup new iconik Storage Gateway" and press Next
  7. Give it a name that makes it possible to identify it (Default is your computers name followed by ISG)
  8. Select the Local folder that you want to scan and press Next
  9. This will set the ISG up to use local transcoding and not keep the original files locally. If you want to use any other settings, please click "Advanced Settings.." and that will take you to the Storage configuration page (See also Creating storages).
  10. When you are done with your advanced settings press Finish

The tray application is visible as an iconik icon in your tray on your Windows computer. From here you can access the menu by right-clicking on the icon. There are options to start and stop the ISG, Configure, Run the setup wizard again, show the service logs and Quit.

Local transcoding

Local transcoding is required for viewing your content in the web browser

For local transcoding to work you will have to install ffmpeg, ghostscript and ImageMagick. Make sure they are in the path for the user running the service.

To get frame accurate playback in other browsers than Safari you also need mp4mux from Bento4

To write xmp metadata which can be used in our adobe integration to the proxy files you need Exiftool

Unpack the correct package, and copy the mp4mux.exe binary to a location accessible by the system path, for example the same directory as the ffmpeg.exe command

Update the storage settings in Iconik to say Local keyframes and Local proxy and restart the service.

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