FAQ on iconik Storage Gateway

What is the iconik Storage Gateway (ISG).

Please refer to the knowledgebase article What is iconik Storage Gateway.

Can I show the folders and directories of my storage?

Yes, the usual way of doing this is using collections and turning on Collection Directory Mapping in your storage settings for your iconik Storage Gateway. Then all your folders under the mount point will be mapped to collections under a master collection called "Storage Gateways".

Can I map the directories to collections?

Yes, this is the same as the answer above, it's possible to do this from the storage administration page by selecting Collection Directory Mapping

Can I setup multiple mount points?

Currently, we do not enable this feature but it's on our roadmap. Instead you could choose a directory above and have multiple scan directories.

Can I ignore certain file types or paths?

Yes, by using the Ignore Files Patterns on the configuration for your iconik Storage Gateway's storage configuration. Please see iconik Storage Gateway Administration for more details.

Can I index an external NAS or SAN device?

As long as you have a computer or server on which you can both run the ISG and mount the NAS or SAN device permanently. It's very important that the mount is permanent whilst the ISG is running.

Can I make sure that all files that the ISG finds are uploaded into the cloud?

Yes, it's possible by turning on Upload Original from the storage administration page for your iconik Storage Gateway.

Where can I find out what version of the ISG I am running?

Log in to iconik as an Administrator, go to the storage page for the ISG and click on logs. The version number will be at the top.

Will changes I make in the ISG's storage page automatically apply

If you are running an ISG that was released in October 2019 or later then you shouldn't need to restart the ISG manually. The ISG will fetch updated settings from the iconik application when they are modified.

Where can I find the logs from the ISG?

This is platform dependant, and you will be able to find the logs in these locations depending on which platform you run your ISG on:

  • Windows - C:\ProgramData\Cantemo\IconikStorageGateway
  • MacOS - /Library/Logs/Cantemo/IconikStorageGateway
  • Linux - /var/log/iconik/iconik_storage_gateway

How can I configure my ISG to use an HTTP Proxy?

In some network configurations you will need to configure the ISG to connect to iconik via an HTTP Proxy. This happens when the local network administrators prevent unrestricted access to the internet and force connections through a dedicated proxy. In general, you configure a HTTP Proxy for the ISG by setting the Environment Variables http_proxy and https_proxy to the url of your proxy server. For example you can set them both to http://proxy.example.com:8080 if that is the address to your proxy.

Exactly how to configure this is dependant on the platform which the ISG is configured on.


On Windows, you can configure this by editing the registry. The registry is Windows' built in configuration store. You need to add a REG_MULTI_SZ registry key called HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IconikStorageGateway\Environment which contains the following:


This can be either be done by using the regedit GUI tool or by running the following command as an administrator user:

REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IconikStorageGatewayService" /v "Environment" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:8080\0https_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:8080"


On MacOS, the global proxy settings are used for the ISG. To configure this open System Preferences and go to Network -> Advanced -> Proxies and configure Web Proxy and Secure Web Proxy with the proxy settings required on your network.

MacOS Proxy Configuration


On Ubuntu or CentOS 7 Linux you need to configure systemd to pass the environment variables along to the ISG. This can be done by creating a file called /etc/systemd/system/iconik_storage_gateway.service.d/http_proxy.conf with the following content:


After this file is created you can reload the configuration with the command systemctl daemon-reload and then restart the ISG with systemctl restart iconik_storage_gateway

Can I Rename files managed by the ISG

If you have the setting "Consider identical files the same" turned on then files can be renamed as you like.

Fix the following signatures were invalid error for Ubuntu on package update

For Ubuntu 18/20:

curl https://packages.iconik.io/deb/ubuntu/dists/focal/iconik_package_repos_pub.asc | sudo apt-key add -

For Ubuntu 22:

curl https://packages.iconik.io/deb/ubuntu/dists/jammy/iconik_package_repos_pub.asc |\
gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/iconik.gpg

Make sure to select to overwrite the file.

How can I upgrade existing ISG

Ubuntu: apt-get update && apt-get install iconik-storage-gateway

Centos: yum update iconik_storage_gateway

Enterprise Linux: dnf update iconik_storage_gateway

Mac OS & Windows: download the latest package and run installation again.

More information