Sharable Link
An alternative to letting iconik email out a unique link to each recipient in a share is to use the Generate sharable link functionality.
Please note that there is a limit of 5000 assets in an individual share link
Downsides of Sharable link.
There is a downside of this way of generating a sharable link in how it can be shared out.
When a sharable link is created, only one link is created per "Share". This can then be distributed however you want the link to be sent to the recipients, but iconik cannot track which recipient link gets sent to or whether that person then forwards it on to more people.
The worst case would be a well intentioned generation of a link for an unreleased piece of sensitive content, that accidently gets posted on social media and becomes viral recieving millions of views. iconik will track how many times the link is accessed, but we have no idea on who did the posting or who the users viewing the media are unless they want to add comments on the media.
The standard share generation sends out a unique link to each recipient for each share, so we can track and report how many times that link is accessed. It can also be revoked as needed.
Creating Sharable link
To generate a sharable link:
- Follow the guide on how to create a normal share for assets or normal share for collections
- Instead of entering email address or choosing users, click "Generate sharable link" in the top left of the modal.
- As soon as you enter this page the link is created. You can change the parameters as needed.
- Click when you are done.