iconik Agent on macOS

This section describes what you need to do to get iconik Agent installed and running on macOS. The iconik Agent supports macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and later.

Downloading and Installing

The latest version of the iconik Agent can be found in the following locations. There are separate versions for Intel and ARM based Macs.

If you are unsure what version of Mac you have, download the Intel version.

Installation Steps

  1. Download the version for your Mac listed above. This will download a zip that should automatically unzip. Otherwise unzip.
  2. Move iconik Agent.app to /Applications
  3. Launch iconik Agent.app
  4. Follow the onboarding steps as shown below to install a certificate.

The Agent will install itself as a Login Item to automatically start when the user logs in.

Onboarding Certificate

The iconik Agent needs to install a certificate in order to function properly on macOS.

Onboarding Information Onboarding Authorize Onboarding Success

  1. On first launch you will be presented an onboarding to guide you through the process.
  2. Follow the steps shown on screen and enter your password when requested.
  3. This will install a certificate in the Keychain.app allowing communication between the iconik web and the iconik Agent.
  4. Once the steps below are completed you should be able to log in to iconik with the iconik Agent.


To uninstall simply remove iconik Agent.app from /Applications. You may also remove the directory ~/Library/Application Support/iconik Agent

Next Steps

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