
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Search - all (anything that mentions search!)
  • Can create assets
  • Can write assets
  • Can read assets
  • Can read asset subtitles
  • Can read assets history
  • Can write asset relations
  • Can read asset relations
  • Can delete asset relations
  • Can write versions
  • Can delete versions
  • Can write approval request (if required)
  • Can read approval request
  • Can delete approval request (if required)
  • Can read subscriptions
  • Can read collections
  • Can write collections
  • Can read metadata views
  • Can read metadata values
  • Can write metadata values
  • Can read metadata fields
  • Can write metadata fields
  • Can read metadata categories
  • Can read segments
  • Can read custom actions
  • Can write keyframes
  • Can create transcode jobs
  • Can write formats
  • Can create formats
  • Can read formats
  • Can write files
  • Can read files
  • Can read proxies
  • Can read transfers
  • Can read storages
  • Can reindex assets
  • Can create asset relations
  • Web can view versions
  • Web can upload
  • Can read notifications
  • Can read notification settings

XMP iconik Adobe Panel

The iconik Adobe Panel uses XMP to keep track of files that are from iconik. We use the Media Management Metadata schema in XMP to store this data, and it's essential for several of the panel workflows, such as Version uploading and resolving missing files.

Metadata fields used

The following is a list of the most important fields used:

  • Document ID: The Asset ID (this is only set by iconik if the file came from iconik. It will otherwise have a randomly generated UUID)
  • Manager: This is used to say that iconik is managing this file. If it is it will have a string like "iconikMediaAB iconik 2.4"
  • Manage To: This will contain the URL to the asset.
  • Manage UI: This will contain a URL to the asset.
  • Manager Varient: This contains important information for tracking of the file.
  • Version ID: This will contain the UUID of the version if the asset came from iconik.

The only fields that will show that it comes from iconik is the Manager and the Manage To field. If those contain the word "iconik" it is considered as being managed by iconik. The other fields can be randomly populated and ignored by the panel.

Viewing metadata in Premiere & After Effects

The XMP metadata for an asset is viewable within the project.

  1. Highlight the asset in the Project Viewer
  2. Open or choose the Metadata panel
  3. Click on the hamburger menu next to the "Metadata" tab for the panel
  4. Choose Metadata Display...
  5. In the list make sure that "Media Management" is checked.
  6. Click OK. You usually only need to do this once per Premiere version.
  7. In the Metadata Panel scroll down to "Media Management" and open
  8. You will now see the metadata information.

Viewing metadata in other Adobe Applications.

Different applications have different ways of viewing the metadata. For instance in Adobe Photoshop, the metadata is shown when showing the "File Info" dialog, under RAW data.

Premiere Project Metadata

Adobe Premiere project files can also contain XMP metadata, and we use this to provide additional tracking of the files used as well as tracking the project itself.

In this way, when the Project file is moved around the iconik Adobe Panel can work out whether any missing project items, are files that come from iconik Assets. This metadata is not viewable under normal circumstances, but essentially takes over from the XMP metadata on files.

We also use this Project Metadata for filetypes that can not contain XMP data.

Writing XMP into project files

Writing XMP into the files of project items can be disabled in the iconik Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effect panels. Instead of writing XMP directly into individual files, we will only write tracking information into the Adobe .pproj project file. Turning off the writing of XMP has benefits for users that don't want any modification of original files, but it can also make tracking files more difficult and leaves room for error in cases where Adobe does not successfully add item tracking information to the project file.

To enable/disable writing XMP into project items, navigate to Preferences in the iconik panel and toggle:

  • Write XMP into files - Preference shown in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects only

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