Updating your Search Settings
You can change some details on how search works and looks from these settings. This becomes the default for how your search displays when you use the system, and you can override some of the options when actually using the search.
Once you have logged in:
- Click on the top right on you user icon and select Edit Profile.
- Choose Search Settings Tab
Search Settings
These settings change the search functionality.
- Search in Transcriptions - Enables the search to return results based on content of transcriptions
- Default Metadata View in Filters - Choose which is the default metadata view to appear in the search filters
- Search Results Metadata View - This is the default metadata view that will be shown in the search results page when showing in a grid view.
Display Columns
The default columns that iconik provides for list view can be turned on and off. These include:
- Thumbnail: A small thumbnail
- Title: The main title of the Asset or Collection.
- Approval: Approval status
- Analyze: Whether the asset has been Analyzed
- Created by: The person that created the Asset or Collection.
- Date created: The date that the Asset or Collection was created
- Media Type: An icon representing the media type.
In addition to this you can choose Metadata Fields that an administrator has created in iconik.
Display Search Filters
This will change the list of filters you see in Search Filters. You can turn on and off Metadata Fields from the filter as well as standard iconik fields. You can also drag and drop to change the ordering.
Only Metadata Fields that have the attribute Use in filters will be available in this list. Ask your administrator if you don't see the fields that you are expecting
Adding Fields
- Click on the "Add a filter" to choose what will become a new filter.
- Choose a Metadata Field to add to the filters.
*Removing Fields
- Hover over the field and a red cross X will appear on the right.
- Click on the red cross to remove.
Change Ordering if Fields
- Hover over the field that you wish to move.
- Click and drag to the position that you wish it to be at.