
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Can_read_notification_settings
  • Can_write_notification_settings
  • Can_delete_notification_settings

Notification Settings

Notification settings let you change what you get notified on and how the notifications will be sent.

Changing Notification settings

Once you have logged in:

  1. Click on the top right user icon and select Edit Profile.
  2. On the right click on the bell icon for notifications
  3. Choose Settings

From here you can change the notifications.

  • Different notification types are grouped into tables
  • There will be a list of different notification types (such as Review and Approval, and Comments) for each type.
  • For each notification type you can toggle on and off how they will be received.

Turning all notifications on or off for a type

To do this:

  1. Go to the notification settings above.
  2. Hover your mouse over the header of the table
  3. Two options will appear, Enable All and Disable All
  4. Choose the option you need by clicking on it.

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