Logging in and out

Log in to the iconik Agent

The iconik Agent is automatically logged in when you issue a download command from the iconik web interface. It will get logged in as the same user as issued the download command from the web.

To upload files you will need to explicitly log in if you are not already logged in.

  1. Click on the Log In button in the upload list to start the login flow. This will open the iconik web in your default browser.
  2. If you are already logged in to iconik you will get an alert to confirm the login request from the Agent.
  3. If you are not already logged in to iconik you will first have to perform a normal web login before confirming the Agent login.

This login will be kept active while the Agent is running and 24 hours after closing. If you have the Agent closed for longer than that you will need to log in again on next launch.

Logging out of the iconik Agent

Logging out is done from the menu bar. On macOS the Log Out menu item can be found in the iconik Agent application menu and on Windows it will be in the File menu.

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