
Release 3.10.5

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.10.2 where subtitles ingested on an ISG were not transcoded.


Release 3.10.4

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where ingest could get slow or stuck that was introduced in 3.10.2 (Reverts the fix for: Fixed cases were ingest did not respect the priority of prioritized directories)


Release 3.10.3

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where use of crc32 checksum from GCS scans could lead to files being re-ingested
  • Fixed a bug where setting a local destination path for iconik Edit Proxy transcoder breaks Edge transcoder
  • Remove keyframe map generation for audio files in iconik transcoder


Release 3.10.2


Bug fixes

  • Fixed cases were ingest did not respect the priority of prioritized directories
  • Fixed a bug where restore uses wrong path for restore permission check
  • Fix sidecar edit proxies ingest without original present
  • Removed a workaround for IPCM audio for ffmpeg 5 and newer
  • Fixed a case where the color space of images was not correctly identified as CMYK


Release 3.10.1


  • Added packages for Ubuntu 24.04
  • Added deletion of remote file copies on archive with enabled "Delete after archive" option
  • Added new config attributes for redline proxy color transforms
  • Added a new config attribute to set image proxy resolution for ISG & Edge Transcoder
  • Added a new config attribute: scan-folder-timeout = 600 - timeout in seconds for a single folder scan.
  • Added a new config attribute: update-title-on-filename-change = True - if true update asset's title when a file is renamed.
  • Added ICC profile metadata for profile description

Bug fixes

  • Fixed direct transfer SSL certificate verification failures.
  • Fixed checksum queue report numbers.
  • Fixed proxies of transparent vector images not being created with checkerboard background.
  • Fixed a bug where mediainfo could not be read from audio files leading to failed transcode jobs.
  • Fixed a bug where some video were incorrectly identified as HDR.
  • Fixed transferring files priority update on changing priority of directories.


Release 3.9.7

Bug fixes

  • Add more error retries on small file uploads


Release 3.9.6

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Edge Transcoder where cache for file cache proxy is left after completed transcode job.
  • Fixed a bug in iconik Storage Gateway where wrong EditReady Server path could lead to silent crash on start.


Release 3.9.5

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in iconik Storage Gateway where adding a large number of files for ingest would consume too much memory on application start.


Release 3.9.4

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Edge Transcoder where uploads to keyframe and proxy storages set by the keyframe-storage-id and proxy-storage-id config attributes did not work.


Release 3.9.2

Bug fixes

  • Fix broken scan stats on the logs tab
  • Fix progress total for EditReady transcode jobs
  • Improve GCS upload speed for high bandwidth networks. Disabled by default, to enable add the line to a config.ini: prefer-multiprocessing-for-multipart-uploads = true


Release 3.9.1

Bug fixes

  • Fix broken ISG dependency on Mac x86_64 systems.


Release 3.9.0


  • Set priorities per custom directory
  • New context action on a storage's admin page to mark files missing outside scan directories.
  • Use Ffmpeg HDR to SDR conversion options when possible for ISG & Edge transcoder

Bug fixes

  • Increased the max value for the configurable proxy bitrate. This is currently the only way to change the bitrate for a web proxy produced by the iconik Edge Transcoder
  • Fix timecode track not present on edit proxies
  • Fixed an issue where moving a RED sequence with multiple copies could cause archive failures


Release 3.8.7

Bug fixes

  • Fix collection mapping issue caused in a previous patch 3.8.6


Release 3.8.6

Bug fixes

  • Fix iptc metadata extraction for certain images


Release 3.8.5

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where thumbnails for still images were scaled incorrectly creating blurry previews


Release 3.8.4

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a problem where an unmounted mount point could require a restart of the application


Release 3.8.3

Bug fixes

  • Remove storage_id as a default remote path for auto-upload transfers. For backward compatibility the "Remote path" field will be set to a current storage_id value, removing that will make ISG(3.8.2) upload to the root
  • Fix Watch Folder transcoder skips time out if proxy folder is missing
  • Fix Watch Folder transcoder job getting stuck occasionally on crash
  • Fix transfer and export jobs failing on fresh ISG with an empty mount point
  • Fix subtitles occasionally skip transcoding
  • Fix re-transcode job fail on mediainfo timeout
  • Only use yadif filter if video is interlaced in the default iconik transcoder
  • Fix occasional mediainfo timeouts on Centos 7 and Ubuntu 20.04 with libmediainfo upgrade to 23.10
  • ISG can now detect instance-id's used in LucidLink Client, for builds later than #5127.


  • Add a new option to skip auto-upload if a file is already present on any cloud storage, different to selected destination storage
  • Add a config attribute to use symlink for adding originals to a watch folder for Watch Folder transcoder. By default, a hard link is used that fallbacks to copy a whole file to the watch folder if it's on another file system.


Release 3.8.1

Bug fixes

  • On upgrading the iconik Edge Transcoder rpm package on Centos 7 the existing iconik Edge Transcoder config file was not moved correctly to new path.


Release 3.8.0

Bug fixes

  • Local database partition to avoid database is locked errors for large storages
  • Improve transcode subprocess monitoring to fix some occurrences of stuck transcoding queue
  • Improve transcode job cleanup workflow
  • Fix overwriting existing edit proxy on re-transcode
  • Fix keyframe aspect ratio for certain video resolutions
  • Fix Watch Folder in some cases not removing proxies on cleanup
  • Fix proxy export for local export jobs
  • Fix transfer error handling on existing local path
  • Fix checksum propagation on cloud to ISG transfer
  • Fix missing assets left in collection
  • Fix transcoder picker include & exclude patterns logic. A previous behaviour would pick first transcoder matching the include pattern and if none found default to first one that doesn't match any exclude patterns. With 3.8.0 first any exclude patterns are applied, then include patterns are checked for a match. If no match was found the first transcoder without an include pattern is chosen as default.
  • Replaced legacy "cantemo" with "iconik" in file paths on Linux distributions. The default config file location is now /etc/iconik/iconik_storage_gateway/config.ini, log files in /var/log/iconik/ and data files in /var/iconik/.
  • Improved transcoding performance when iconik Edge Transcoder is used with the file caching proxy. The amount of data that is prefetched by the caching proxy is now configurable, see the Edge Transcoder documentation.


  • Add support for Enterprise Linux 9
  • Add RED sequence support for the Watch Folder transcoder (the "Use unique sub-folder workflow" must be turned on)
  • Single sidecar files (metadata, subtitles, etc.) without linked media file are now ingested as ORIGINAL format
  • Improve default local video transcoder performance


Release 3.7.4

Bug fixes

  • Fixed files in removed scan directories not marked as missing
  • Format metadata now updates when a file is retranscoded automatically
  • Fix an issue with some files getting stuck on metadata extraction, on linux, introduced in 3.7.2


Release 3.7.2

  • Discontinued support of Ubuntu-18.04


  • An Archive purpose support added for ISG storage
  • Re-transcode of asset on file change with auto-version enabled in storage settings

Bug fixes

  • Improvements in handling of unmounted volumes and missing files
  • Added timeouts for all metadata extraction calls (EXIF, XMP, etc.)
  • Reduced some redundant debug logging
  • Fix occasional stuck Edge transcode jobs
  • Removed preview transcode queues that would generate a keyframe before proxy


Release 3.6.8

Bug fixes

  • Stop marking files missing if outside scan directory


Release 3.6.7

Bug fixes

  • Fix ambiguous error on Watch Folder transcoder job failure
  • Fix custom path restore with keep collection structure
  • Resize before compose for faster image transcoding


Release 3.6.5

Bug fixes

  • Scanner optimisations
  • Fix ImageMagick for Edge transcoder on Centos
  • Add timeout for FFProbe
  • Apply default 709 target color space for EditReady server web proxies
  • Add imagemagick policy and delegates in Edge transcoder
  • Fix metadata extraction for Edge transcoder
  • Avoid stuck transcode queue on network error


Release 3.6.4

Bug fixes

  • Fix Edge Transcoder error on the application start


Release 3.6.3


Bug fixes

  • Increase timeouts for uploads to Azure
  • Fix slower ingest of large folders


Release 3.6.2

Bug fixes

  • Fix wrong path for source file on edge transcoder
  • Remove size limit for images on reading IPTC/EXIF


Release 3.6.1

Bug fixes

  • Fix stuck queue in transfer/archive jobs processing
  • Fixed an issue with Redline transcoding jobs where the status was not updated correctly if the asset already had a proxy
  • Fix some transfer jobs getting stuck in waiting
  • Fix pdf transcode on Linux systems


Release 3.6.0



Release 3.5.11

Bug Fixes

  • For Ubuntu a new certificate is required in order to update: Ubuntu certificate update
  • Fix Centos7 stuck transcode jobs
  • Add timecode to edit proxy


Release 3.5.9

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Edge transcoder bug on handling 416 HTTP error response


Release 3.5.8

Bug Fixes

  • Smaller default chunk sizes and longer timeout for uploads
  • Fix permission errors on handling edit proxy result
  • Set correct edit proxy extension for Watch Folder transcoder
  • Add timeouts for default video and image transcoders


Release 3.5.7


  • Update of Watch Folder Transcoder adds support for Media Encoder transcoding

Bug Fixes

  • Automatically re-upload a file that was changed during upload
  • Use checkerboard background for transparency in image proxies
  • Ignore audio tracks if mux mode is DV (Audio is embedded in DV/DVCPRO source)
  • Allow MXF extension to be used, and use it for MXF sources when creating edit proxies with PCM audio


Release 3.5.6



Release 3.5.5

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for an empty format left on a file replacement
  • Fix for a collection content left on moving content between folders


Release 3.5.4

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for skipped transfers and transcode jobs on aggregation. ISG will schedule transfer and transcode jobs for each file found, unless a remote copy or a proxy is already present for the matched asset. The job that gets executed first will upload/transcode a file, while other scheduled jobs will search for a remote copy or a proxy and skip instead of repeating the transfer/transcode
  • Fix ingest for changing path from file to directory and then back to file


Release 3.5.3

Bug Fixes

  • Update TrueNAS plugin version
  • Fix for Centos7 transcoding bug with ImageMagick using libcurl of a wrong version
  • Fix Edge transcoder for not setting directory_path for edit proxy uploads
  • Stop ingested files monitoring if storage scan option is disabled


Release 3.5.2


  • Archive/Restore improvements
    • Possibility to delete and restore to a specific mapped collection
  • File caching proxy for Edge Transcoders to improve performance

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for image keyframes for CMYKA TIFF files
  • Export of VTT works


Release 3.4.4

Bug Fixes

  • Bug fixes for watch folder transcoder
  • Bug fixes for Red edit proxy job status updates
  • General stability improvements


Release 3.4.3

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed CentOS 7 crash because of old SQLite library. No change compared to 3.4.2 for other platforms.


Release 3.4.2


  • Support edit proxy audio codec overrides
  • Support for adding the -white-balance flag for certain raw image formats

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for bitrate on intel macs using Videotoolbox


Release 3.4.0


  • Option to delete edit proxies from local storage after upload
  • Watch folder transcoder (For use with for example Blackmagick Proxy Generator)

Bug Fixes

  • Add metadata fields to index red files properly
  • Collection map fixes
    • Non-blocking re-map job
    • Use Recycle Bin for quick restore of deleted collections
  • Support PSD files without extension
  • Add bitrate option for videotoolbox encoder to improve quality
  • Keep collection mapping if only edit proxy remains
  • Retry uploads on file rediscovery
  • Set the default max checksum workers to 5 instead of number o CPUs


  • Upgrade Python to 3.10
  • Cache uses a separate database file for performance


Release 3.3.9

Bug Fixes

  • Fix audio mapping for AAC for editproxy for some 5.1 audio files
  • Fix AttributeError on empty media_info
  • Simplify collection map condition
  • Download NEF files by default (Edge transcoder only)


Release 3.3.8

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Better image proxy quality


Release 3.3.7

New Features

  • Support for the new Edit Proxies transcoder type.
  • Support for WAL (Write Ahead Logging) mode for the local database. This can improve performance for large ISG with many files.

Bug Fixes

  • Exempi XMP extraction on MacOS was not working correctly if Exempi was not installed on the OS
  • Asset history entry for proxy generation
  • Files in iconik are now created when a transfer to ISG start instead of after it is finished.