Recycle Bin
When an Asset, Collection, Format or File is deleted is it put into the recycling bin to be either purged after 24 hours (or the period set in the system settings. If an Asset, Collection, Format or File is wrongly put in to the recycle bin then can be manually restored if the purging period hasn't passed.
Viewing the Recycle Bin
The Recycle Bin is under the Admin menu. If shows in separate tables: Assets, Collections, Files and Formats.
- Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
- Choose Recycle Bin from the left navigation bar by pressing the icon.
- Choose from the tab which you are interested in.
Assets and Collections can be filtered to help you find the Asset or Collection you are looking for. Formats and Files do not have the metadata required to build the faceted filter.
Restoring deleted entities
- Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
- Choose Recycle Bin from the left navigation bar by pressing the icon.
- Choose from Asset, Collection, Format or File Tab
- Select the items that you wish to restore by clicking on the row.
- Hold shift whilst clicking to select multiple subsequent rows.
- Hold ctrl whilst clicking to select multiple non-continuous rows.
- Click to restore the selected items.
- The restore operation for the items will be queued in the system and might not be restored instantaneously.
Removing Items permanently from iconik
You can remove deleted items before 24 hours is up that you know longer want by purging.
- Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
- Choose Recycle Bin from the left navigation bar by pressing the icon.
- Select the item that you wish to purge by clicking on the row.
- Hold shift whilst clicking to select multiple subsequent rows.
- Hold ctrl whilst clicking to select multiple non-continuous rows.
- Click to purge the selected items.
- The purging operation for the items will be queued in the system and might not be deleted immediately.
Alternatively you can purge all assets in your recycle bin by pressing the Purge All button in the top right corner.
Important: If you have your own storage configured in iconik, and the delete flag is set, purging assets will remove the asset and associated files from your storage
If the asset is in a storage that you haven't set up it will be on iconik's main storage and it will be removed on purging