
Knowledgebase image

Read below to find a list of articles and pages that show you how to perform common tasks.

General Overview


How can I get started?

To get started read the quick start guide, it will also give you an overview of iconik, how to sign up, and your first steps in using iconik.

How much does it cost?

iconik has an active user and actual usage model where you only pay for that you use. You can have as many user accounts as you wish, but each user will only be charged for the months that they login. If a user doesn't login in february, you will not have to pay for them for that month.

We have a handy cost calcuator on our main website, where you can get an estimate of a monthly cost.

For more information on controlling costs visit our knowledgebase articule on controlling costs here

What is new

The release notes contain information on what has been fixed and what is new for iconik.