
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Admin
  • Can delete transcoders
  • Can read transcoders
  • Can write transcoders


HiScale FLICS Transcoder for iconik Storage Gateway

You can use HiScale FLICS to transcode formats it supports.

The files must be stored on a storage which both the iconik Storage Gateway (ISG) and FLICS have access.


  • Host - The host address for FLICS.
  • Template ID - The ID of the FLICS transcoding template you want to use. The first file output will be used as web proxy in iconik. If your template produces an additional output you can optionally store it as an edit proxy format on the asset.
  • Storage id Path Map - Absolute paths on the ISG corresponding the FLICS storages used in your template.
  • Include Patterns - The transcoder will only transcode files which contain the (case-sensitive) pattern from this field. Examples:
    • *exclude* (match file/folder with substring exclude)
    • *.mov (match file/folder that ends on .mov)
    • You can also use regular expressions: re:/^.*\.mov$/ (match file/folder with .mov ending)
  • Exclude Patterns - The transcoder will ignore files which contain the (case-sensitive) pattern from this field.
  • Create edit proxy - Store FLICS additional output as an edit proxy format.
  • Local storage path - Directory to store edit proxies, if not configured they will be saved in the same directory as the source file.
  • Destination storage - The storage to upload edit proxy files to if desired.
  • Destination storage path - The specific path to upload edit proxy to on the destination storage.
  • Delete after upload - delete the local edit proxy copy after upload is complete.

Authentication to FLICS

Add your Flics user credentials to the ISG config file (see ISG FAQ)

flics-user = myuser

flics-password = mypassword

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