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API Links

Deleting Subclips API Link

Subclip Assets Deleting

iconik asset subclips

Subclips assets can be deleted in the same way as normal assets. Please see the page for deleting assets for more information.

Subclip deleting from Subclip panel

iconik asset subclips

  1. Go to the asset you want to delete the Subclip from.
  2. Open the subclip metadata panel using the icon on the left side
  3. Find the subclip in the list of Subclips
  4. Click on the Edit icon for the Subclip
  5. The Subclip information will be editable.
  6. Click on the Delete icon for the subclip
  7. A confirmation dialog box will appear
  8. When you are finished click

Upon deleting this way the Subclip will also be placed in the recycle bin as per other assets.

Deleting from time-based metadata

  1. Go to the asset you want to delete the Subclip from.
  2. Open the Time Based Metadata panel using the icon on the left side
  3. Find the time based metadata for the Subclip in the list of Time Based Metadata
  4. Click on the Edit icon for the Metadata entry
  5. The Time-based information will be editable.
  6. Click on the Delete icon for the Time Based Metadata
  7. A confirmation dialog box will appear
  8. When you are finished click

Deleting this way, will mean an immediate delete and will not be placed in the recycle bin.

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