Subclip FAQ

What is the difference between an Subclip Asset and a Asset?

Subclips are references to sections (segments) of an asset and their metadata lives on the parent asset, but are indexed separately in iconik to make them searchable so that you can easily create a way to reference important parts of a video.

Can Subclips have files and formats?

Subclips by default reference the parent's media, and we use the webproxy from the parent for showing the preview of the asset. They do have their own thumbnails.

However Subclips can have their own formats and files, and if they are uploaded using the API these can be shown in the iconik user interface. This is mainly for third parties to be able to create workflows that can automatically cut and transcode the parent's files to the exact length of the Subclip and create an original file that can be associated with the Subclip.

Can iconik create a file for the Subclip?

This is currently something that we have on our roadmap, but at the current time we don't support generating edits of or cuts of formats. This is mainly due to the extremely wide range of media that our customers have in the system and having to support all of those types.

Can Subclips be imported in to my NLE?

We are working on this feature, but due to the way that we are referencing the Original, when opening a Subclip the NLE will have to have access to the complete original file.

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