
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Can read assets
  • Can read shares
  • Can write shares

API Links

Sharing Overview API Link

Sharing Overview

iconikĀ® makes it simple to share, edit, and review and approve media togetherā€”from anywhere.

Sharing lets you give access to Assets or Collections to users that otherwise would be unable to access them.

There are two types of users that might access a share:

  • Internal Users that have an iconik account.
  • External Users that don't have an iconik account.

Shares are created and sent to recipients. The link to the asset or collection that the recipients receives has an expiry date, and you can select the functionality the recipient is allowed when creating the share.

After the expiry date the link will not work. Create a new share if you want to give additional access or extend the expiry date.

Share Links

Each recipient of a share link get their own unique share link in an email. This can be tracked, and you will be able to see how many times a unique recipient uses the link.

The link should not be shared by users, instead add each user into the share and they will get their own unique link which you can track

The exception to this is if you manually generate a sharable link that you can copy and paste where you like. We would advise to use the built in functionality for sending out shares instead of distributing links that you generate yourself.

Sharing expiration

Shares will always expire. The maximum length of time that they can be set is defined by an Administrator of your system up to a length of 5 years.

Share Management

Administrators can manage individual shares from the admin share management page, and individual assets and collections can have their shares managed from their sharing panel.

Configuring default functionality for shares

Administrator's can set what functionality is available when a user is creating a share, and what functionality is enabled by default. This is done under the System sharing options.

Changes made to the functionality only apply to shares created after the change.

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