System Settings
iconik lets you choose some defaults for how your users will interact with iconik in the System Settings panel.
Changing settings
- Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
- Choose Settings from the left navigation bar.
- Choose System Search Settings Tab
- Change the settings you wish.
- Click to update the settings.
Settings overview
Date Format
You can provide a default date format for the dates shown in iconik for all users in the account. Users can also choose their own from their settings page which will override this setting.
Enter in a date format here. The format is
Input | Example | Description |
YYYY | 2014 | 4 or 2 digit year |
YY | 14 | 2 digit year |
Y | -25 | Year with any number of digits and sign |
M MM | 11 | Month number |
MMM MMMM | December | Month name |
D DD | 31 | Day of the month |
Do | 31st | Day of the month with ordinal |
You can see separators such as -
Date Time Format
You can provide a default date-time format for the dates times shown in iconik for all users in the account. User's can also choose their own from their settings page which will override this setting. The format is the same as above, plus the additional time format:
Input | Example | Description |
H HH | 0..23 | Hours (24 hour time) |
h hh | 1..12 | Hours (12 hour time used with a A.) |
k kk | 1..24 | Hours (24 hour time from 1 to 24) |
a A | am pm | Post or ante meridiem (Note the one character a p are also considered valid) |
m mm | 59 | Minutes |
s ss | 0..59 Seconds | |
S SS SSS | .999 | Fractional seconds |
Z ZZ | +12:00 | Offset from UTC as +-HH:mm, +-HHmm, or Z |
You can see separators such as -
Download filenames uses
- Original Filename - the original filename that was used on upload or when the file was discovered.
- Asset title - if the title of the asset is different to the original filename, it will instead download with the asset title.
Prohibit users from editing/deleting mapped collections
This will stop users from editing or deleting mapped collections. Mapped collections are collections that are created from directories on your storages.
Create Collection ACLs
Controls what ACLs should be used when creating new collections in the iconik Web. Can either use the users default ACLs or inherit the parent collections ACLs.
Hide favorites
Will hide the favorite functionality from all users
Set the default home page for all users. This can be overridden on a User Group setting, and on a User setting.
Search Default Sections
This allows you to set which panels should be shown when accessing search.
Asset Default Sections
This allows you to set which panels should be shown when accessing an asset. If this is left empty the panels shown when opening an asset will be Asset Metadata and Comments.
Required Metadata View
By choosing one or more metadata views here you can force entry of metadata when a user is uploading through the web uploader.
Keep in Recycle bin for (hours)
This is how long entities such as Assets and Collections will be kept in the recycle bin until they are permanently deleted from iconik
Expires after this many days
Is the default number of days that a share is allowed for until the share links expire, up to a maximum of 5 years. We recommend keeping it as short as you can.