Files and Formats
When you bring a file in to iconik, it becomes an asset, but we also work out what type of file it is. This information is stored as a Format. An Asset can have multiple formats associated with it, and each format can have one or more files.
This is particularly useful when working with media files - it's typical that not only do you have the original file, but also other files that have the same content in other media types, like a video original that was encoded in ProRes with an MP4 for 4K playback, another MP4 for social media release.
Instead of creating a new asset for each file, we can manage all the files and formats as one asset.
The files tab for an asset shows all the files that can make up a format, and all the formats for an asset.
The above image shows an asset with several formats associated to it and on what storage they are on, a proxy for viewing the file in the web browser and four subtitles.
Managing files and formats
Most of the management of files in iconik is done on the formats level - and this operation then operates on the files that make up that format.
You can manage and formats using the panel above either by right clicking on the row or by using the three dot menu.
Please note that the contents of the menu will change depending on whether you have correct role to perform these operations, the storage the file is on and the type of the format
- Deleting Formats - For deleting individual formats and the files.
- Downloading - For downloading of a file from the format
- Media Formats Administration - Media Format Administration
- Other Formats Administration - Other Format Administration
- Proxy Administration - Proxy Administration
- Subtitle and Caption Administration - for administration of captions and subtitles
- Transfering Formats - for transferring formats and files
- Viewing Format Metadata - for viewing technical metadata on a format.
- Uploading Files and Formats - for upload of new files and formats to an asset in the files panel.