
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Admin
  • Can read users
  • Can reindex users
  • Can write users

Setting password

Most of the time when adding a user to iconik, you can let the user set the password themselves, and you can set password policies to make sure that they choose a password of sufficient strength. However if you do need to set a password for your user you can do so from the User account administration page.

Setting a password

iconik change password

  1. Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
  2. Choose Users from the left navigation bar by pressing
  3. Click on the user you wish to add edit
  4. You will now see the users page.
  5. Click in the Change Password panel.
  6. This will open a dialog for changing the password
  7. Enter in the password
  8. Enter in the password again in the "Confirm Password" field
  9. Click

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