
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Can_read_assets
  • Web_can_view_versions

Optional Roles

These are optional roles that are needed to extend the functionality:

  • Can_write_versions
  • Can_delete_versions

API Links

Promoting Versions API Link

Promoting Versions

iconik asset version

If you change your mind and want to use an older version as the latest, you can promote the old version to be the latest.

  1. Go to the asset's page for the asset you want to change the version stack for.
  2. Open the versions display by clicking the version number on the Asset page.
  3. Click the sub menu (Three dots) on the version you want to promote.
  4. Select Promote to latest.
  5. Wait for the background task to complete.
  6. That version is now promoted to the latest as a new version.

Learn more