Amazon AWS SQS

To configure a AWS SQS recipient you first need to create a queue to receive the audit log stream and grant SendMessage and GetURL access to this queue to the Role arn:aws:iam::283217727627:role/IconikShieldSQSWriter.

Create an Amazon AWS SQS Queue

  1. Start by logging into the AWS Console and go to the Simple Queue Service, or by opening
  2. Make sure you select the region you want to create your Queue in. The region cannot be changed after the queue has been created.
  3. Click on Create Queue.

    SQS Queue List

  4. Select a Standard Queue (iconik log messages may sometimes be delivered out of order on the sender side so a FIFO queue is not recommended)
  5. Enter a name of the queue.

    Create SQS Queue

  6. Select queue configuration and ecryption settings as per your requirements.
  7. In the Access Policy pane, set arn:aws:iam::283217727627:role/IconikShieldSQSWriter as the allowed sender of messages.

    SQS Queue Sender Access

  8. Configure receiver access as per your local requirements.
  9. Click Create Queue
  10. Once the queue is created, open the Access policy tab. Find the statement with Sid __sender_statement and change the Action clause to: "Action": [ "SQS:SendMessage", "SQS:GetQueueUrl" ],

    SQS Queue Edit Access JSON

  11. Click Save
  12. Make a note of the ARN of the Queue in the Details pane

Configure a Stream Recipient in iconik

Go back to the iconik user interface to configure the streaming recipient

  1. Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
  2. Choose Settings from the left navigation bar.
  3. This will show the System Settings
  4. Open the iconik Shield tab.
  5. Enable iconik Shield if it is not already enabled. There is an associated monthly price to enabling iconik Shield.
  6. Click on .
  7. A modal window opens.
  8. Enter a name to identify this recipient. This is only used for display purposes.
  9. Select Amazon AWS SQS
  10. Enter the Queue ARN you made a note of earlier.

    iconik SQS popup

  11. Click

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