
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Admin
  • Can write asset relation types
  • Can read asset relation types

Creating Relation Types

You can create custom relation types which can be used to define the relationships between assets.

iconik relation types create

  1. Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
  2. Choose Settings from the left navigation bar.
  3. Choose Relation Type from the menu that appears from under the Settings icon.
  5. Add a name. This name will not be editable or shown to the end user, but will be used as a unique identifier.
  6. Choose whether you want the relationship to be directional. (This is covered in more details here)
  7. Choose a label that will be shown to the user for the source of the relationship. For Bidirectional relationships this will be used for both assets
  8. If you choose directional, add a destination label
  9. Optionally add a description so that users know the purpose of this relationship.
  10. Click to add the relationship.

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